A Monthly Mindfullness Moment

Our bodies are made up of 70% water, one of our planets most essential elements. Just like the tides of the ocean change with the moon, so do our bodies, minds & souls.

session 3 | New Moon in Pisces


Each new moon our in-house consciousness guide, Keilimei, provides clarity through her words and voice on how each month our bodies are reacting to the new astrological and moon season. She provides insights into how we can make the most of this new month.

Each session is a hybrid between a post yoga shavasana moment & a horoscope reading



Our bodies are amazing we are made up of 70% water, one of our planets most essential elements. Just like the the tides of the ocean change with the moon, so do our bodies, minds and should. By being more in-tune and aware of the new moon and astrological seasons  this can help us create a deeper connection with our bodies & minds therefore vibrating at a higher frequency and making our lives more bubbly. 

These sessions are a great insight to how I'm feeling, connecting me more with myself.


meet your guide


Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, Keilimei is an international bilingual yogi songstress specializing in both yoga and sound meditation practices. Trained as a 500hr Yoga Alliance-certified instructor, her philosophy includes creating opportunities to reconnect to nature, integrating divine masculine and feminine energies into our daily behaviors, and bringing to light the effects of lunar and planetary cycles on both our physical and conscious experiences.